Thursday, August 1, 2019

"russia france" - Google News: Top seed Tsitsipas reaches ATP Washington quarter-finals - Yahoo News

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August 01, 2019
"russia france" - Google News: Top seed Tsitsipas reaches ATP Washington quarter-finals - Yahoo News
Putin and Putinism - News Review: The INF Treaty Lapses Tomorrow. Trump & Putin Should Save It - Defense One
"Russia" - Google News: Trump to sanction Russia over chemical weapons use - POLITICO
Russia Video News from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites): golosamerikius's YouTube Videos: Настоящее время. Америка
Voice of America - English: Congressman Will Hurd, Lone Black House Republican, Won't Run Again

"russia france" - Google News: Top seed Tsitsipas reaches ATP Washington quarter-finals - Yahoo News

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
World number six Stefanos Tsitsipas advanced to the ATP Washington Open quarter-finals on Thursday by defeating Australia's Jordan Thompson 6-3, 7-6 (7/4). The 20-year-old Greek top seed took the only break of the match to claim the first set and won when the Aussie netted a forehand after 99 minutes at the US Open hardcourt tuneup event.
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Putin and Putinism - News Review: The INF Treaty Lapses Tomorrow. Trump & Putin Should Save It - Defense One

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
President Donald Trump has sufficient time to decide, with President Vladimir Putin, to set aside the lapse of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty that will otherwise occur on August 2.
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"Russia" - Google News: Trump to sanction Russia over chemical weapons use - POLITICO

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
President Donald Trump dragged his feet on imposing the second round of sanctions first imposed last year. | Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images foreign policy Trump to sanction Russia over chemical weapons use Trump has been loath to antagonize Russian President Vladimir Putin, but was moved to action by a bipartisan group of lawmakers.
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Russia Video News from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites): golosamerikius's YouTube Videos: Настоящее время. Америка

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
From: golosamerikius Duration: 00:00 Прямой эфир ежедневной информационной программы из студии в Вашингтоне golosamerikius's YouTube Videos Russia Video News from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites)
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Voice of America - English: Congressman Will Hurd, Lone Black House Republican, Won't Run Again

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
U.S. Rep. Will Hurd, an ex-CIA undercover officer and the lone African-American Republican in the House, says he won't seek a third House term in next year's elections. The El Paso Republican's announcement came in a Thursday statement posted on his House web page.
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News / MN Newsletter // August 01

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August 01, 2019

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Puerto Rico News: The Anatomy of a Coup: Douglas Leff, Chatgate, Telegramgate, and many other unanswered questions. Investigate The Investigators! Investigate Douglas Leff! Investigate the FBI!

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
El exmonitor federal de la Policía, Arnaldo Claudio, informó hoy que luego de que le envió al Negociado Federal de Investigaciones (FBI, por sus siglas en inglés) copia del chat de Telegram en el que se conspiró en su contra, el director de esa agencia, Douglas Leff, le respondió que recibió los documentos.
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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Douglas Leff, Chatgate, Telegramgate - Google Search

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
6 days ago 480 × 360 mikenov on Twitter: Douglas Leff warns ... {"cb":12,"cr":9,"ct":9,"fd":"6\u0026nbsp;days\u0026nbsp;ago","id":"ai3LMZLRBLs2dM:","isu":"","itg":0,"ity":"jpg","oh":360,"ou":"","ow":480,"pt":"mikenov on Twitter: Douglas Leff warns that it will be busy summer ...","rh":"","rid":"7Zjp7swm7pknyM","rt":0,"ru":"","s":"mikenov on Twitter: Douglas Leff warns that it will be busy summer of 2019 in Puerto Rico \u2013 Google Search\u003dDougl\u2026","sc":1,"st":"Trump and Trumpism","th":194,"tu":"\u003dtbn:ANd9GcQipVgY_pAFOA6Y6wVQt58X6FNPWWVdZm1NOM0qff7EAVb0eKrrDQ","tw":259}
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Voice of America - English: Whistleblower Vindicated in Cisco Cybersecurity Case
RSS: Объявляется конкурс на воинские должности
RSS: 260 единиц техники различных номенклатур поступило в войска ЮВО в июле 2019 года
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: Navalny Demands Official Probe Into Possible 'Poisoning' In Russian Custody
News: 'Turkish' bee condemned to death for being foreign is actually British, say Natural History Museum

Voice of America - English: Whistleblower Vindicated in Cisco Cybersecurity Case

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
BOSTON, MASS. - A computer security expert who has won a trailblazing payout in a whistleblower lawsuit over critical security flaws he found in October 2008 in Cisco Systems Inc. video surveillance software thought his discovery would be a career-boosting milestone.
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RSS: Объявляется конкурс на воинские должности

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 01.08.2019 (23:42)Объявляется конкурс на воинские должности ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ конкурса на замещение вакантных должностей Документы для участия в конкурсе представлять в соответствии с приказом Министра обороны Российской Федерации от 09.09.2015 года № 521.
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RSS: 260 единиц техники различных номенклатур поступило в войска ЮВО в июле 2019 года

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 01.08.2019 (23:35)260 единиц техники различных номенклатур поступило в войска ЮВО в июле 2019 года В течение месяца в войска Южного военного округа (ЮВО) поступило 260 единиц современных видов вооружения и военной техники.
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Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: Navalny Demands Official Probe Into Possible 'Poisoning' In Russian Custody

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Jailed opposition leader Aleksei Navalny has filed an official complaint with Russia's main investigative authority in connection with an unexplained physical reaction that required his hospitalization, alleging that he was poisoned after being taken into custody following a recent Moscow protest.
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News: 'Turkish' bee condemned to death for being foreign is actually British, say Natural History Museum

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
The missing “Turkish” bee that provoked an international row after the UK Government ordered its death is in fact British, the Natural History Museum has declared. David Notton, chief bee curator at the museum, said the colourful nests left in the conservatory of a Bristol home are too untidy to be the foreign species Osmia avosetta.
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Путин выразил соболезнования в связи со смертью зампреда КC Хохряковой - РИА Новости

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August 01, 2019
Путин выразил соболезнования в связи со смертью зампреда КC Хохряковой - РИА Новости
Родным и близким Ольги Хохряковой, заместителя Председателя Конституционного Суда
Governor who called fire fighting senseless thanks Putin for assistance in fighting fire in forests -
Путин поддержал проект Национального космического центра - РБК
Прокуратура Грузии проверит уволенного руководителя грузинского телеканала, где обматерили Путина - Фонтанка.Ру

Путин выразил соболезнования в связи со смертью зампреда КC Хохряковой - РИА Новости

РИА Новости
"Примите глубокие соболезнования в связи с кончиной Ольги Сергеевны Хохряковой... Светлая память об этом замечательном, принципиальном и порядочном человеке, настоящем профессионале навсегда сохранится в сердцах близких, коллег, друзей", - говорится в тексте телеграммы.
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Родным и близким Ольги Хохряковой, заместителя Председателя Конституционного Суда

Сайт Президента России: Все материалы
Примите глубокие соболезнования в связи с кончиной Ольги Сергеевны Хохряковой. Ольга Сергеевна Хохрякова посвятила себя служению Закону, за годы ответственной работы внесла большой вклад в развитие конституционного правосудия в нашей стране, укрепление основ отечественной правовой системы, юридической науки и образования.
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Governor who called fire fighting senseless thanks Putin for assistance in fighting fire in forests -
Earlier, Aleksander Uss believed that fighting fire in the woods was senseless and even harmful. Governor of the Krasnoyarsk region Aleksander Uss who had made his reputation by speaking about the fact fighting fire in the forests was senseless and even harmful has said thank you to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin who had ordered to forward aviation support and military officers to the region.
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Путин поддержал проект Национального космического центра - РБК

Политика , 01 авг, 16:28 0 Поделиться Поделиться Facebook Twitter Вконтакте Одноклассники Путин поддержал проект Национального космического центра Президент Владимир Путин на встрече с главой «Роскосмоса» Дмитрием Рогозиным ознакомился с проектом создания Национального космического центра, сообщает пресс-служба Кремля.
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Прокуратура Грузии проверит уволенного руководителя грузинского телеканала, где обматерили Путина - Фонтанка.Ру

Прокуратура Грузии проверит уволенного руководителя грузинского телеканала, где обматерили Путина Экс-руководитель телеканала «Рустави 2» Ника Гварамия, которого уволили в середине июля после его высказываний и обращения Георгия Габуния к президенту России, вызван на допрос в прокуратуру республики из-за заявлений о финансовых нарушениях и злоупотреблениях.
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"russia analysis" - Google News: Russia Chocolate Market Share, Size, 2019 | Worldwide Industry Gross Margin, Trend, Future Demand, Analysis by Top Leading Player and Forecast to 2026 - The Jеnnеr Nеws

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August 01, 2019
"russia analysis" - Google News: Russia Chocolate Market Share, Size, 2019 | Worldwide Industry Gross Margin, Trend, Future Demand, Analysis by Top Leading Player and Forecast to 2026 - The Jеnnеr Nеws
"russia" - Google News: Here's why Russia won't make an honest Chernobyl movie - The Australian Financial Review
News: Whaley Bridge evacuation: Derbyshire town evacuated amid fears flooding could cause dam to collapse
Voice of America - English: China Buys U.S. Soybeans for First Time Since June
"Turkey and Russia" - Google News: Expert: S-400 deal is just business for Russia, unlike Turkey - Information-Analytic Agency

"russia analysis" - Google News: Russia Chocolate Market Share, Size, 2019 | Worldwide Industry Gross Margin, Trend, Future Demand, Analysis by Top Leading Player and Forecast to 2026 - The Jеnnеr Nеws

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Online Sales Major Regions play vital role in Russia Chocolate market are: North America Europe China Japan Middle East & Africa India South America Others The study objectives of this report are:
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"russia" - Google News: Here's why Russia won't make an honest Chernobyl movie - The Australian Financial Review

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
The 2017 ruthenium release, luckily, hurt no one – the radioactive gas quickly became diluted and there was no significant fallout. This made it easier for the Russian authorities to deny that an accident had taken place.
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News: Whaley Bridge evacuation: Derbyshire town evacuated amid fears flooding could cause dam to collapse

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Forecaster Luke Miall said only sporadic rain was likely in central and western Scotland and northern England, possibly as far south as Yorkshire. He said: "There may be some showers but they're likely to not be as frequent nor as significant as the last few days."
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Voice of America - English: China Buys U.S. Soybeans for First Time Since June

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
The U.S. Department of Agriculture on Thursday confirmed private sales to China of 68,000 tonnes of soybeans for the 2019/20 marketing year, the first such purchase by a private buyer since the trade war between the world's two largest economies broke out more than a year ago.
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"Turkey and Russia" - Google News: Expert: S-400 deal is just business for Russia, unlike Turkey - Information-Analytic Agency

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
The S-400 deal is just a business for Russia, unlike Turkey, political analyst Fyodor Lukyanov told reporters on Thursday in Yerevan. He noted that this is due to the processes that are taking shape in relations with the West, in particular, with the US.
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News / MN Newsletter // August 01

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August 01, 2019
Special custom on all Russian goods takes effect in Ukraine - 112 International
Poroshenko: Minsk agreements in Sept 2014 helped stop Russia's invasion - Kyiv Post
Aliyah numbers surge, fueled by wave of Russian immigration to Israel - Haaretz
Ukraine enforces special duties on most Russian goods starting Aug 1 - news economics - UNIAN
Ukraine plans Russian-language television channel - Telecompaper

Special custom on all Russian goods takes effect in Ukraine - 112 International

112 International
Ukraine imposes a special custom on all goods from Russia. Starting from August 1, there's an active ban on cement and plywood imports from Russia. Stepan Kubiv, the First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine said so at the government session in May this year; the respective decision was made then.
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Poroshenko: Minsk agreements in Sept 2014 helped stop Russia's invasion - Kyiv Post

Kyiv Post
Russia's War Against Ukraine Poroshenko: Minsk agreements in Sept 2014 helped stop Russia’s invasion Published Aug. 1 at 3:06 pm Ukrainian soldiers set up fire for barbecue in the war zone near the town of Novoluhanske on June 14, 2019.
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Aliyah numbers surge, fueled by wave of Russian immigration to Israel - Haaretz

Immigration to Israel rose by more than a quarter in the first half of 2019, fueled almost entirely by a continued surge in aliyah from Russia, according to internal Jewish Agency figures.
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Ukraine enforces special duties on most Russian goods starting Aug 1 - news economics - UNIAN

Ukraine enforces special duties on most Russian goods starting Aug 1The only exceptions shall relate to sensitive imports, such as coal, coke, gasoline, liquefied natural gas and pharmaceutical products.
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Ukraine plans Russian-language television channel - Telecompaper

We have been keeping professionals in the telecoms industry up-to-date since 2000. Telecompaper is a well respected, independent research and publishing company focussed on the telecommunications industry.
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The complete list of Google Home and Google Assistant commands so far - CNET
Brexit: £2.1bn extra for no-deal planning - BBC News
Best smart plugs for 2019 - CNET
The EU has new people in charge. And it's not good news for US tech firms - CNBC
Prince Harry ‘gives barefoot speech’ at Google climate change retreat to celebs who flocked in on 114 gas - The Sun

The complete list of Google Home and Google Assistant commands so far - CNET

Chris Monroe/CNET Google wants its AI-powered voice assistant to spread to every corner of tech. As of today, you can find Google Assistant in a wide variety of smart speakers -- from the original Google Home ($99 at Walmart) to the Google Home Mini to third-party options from companies such as JBL.
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Brexit: £2.1bn extra for no-deal planning - BBC News

BBC News
Image copyright PA The government has announced an extra £2.1bn worth of funding to prepare for a no-deal Brexit. The plans include more border force officers and upgrades to transport infrastructure at ports.
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Best smart plugs for 2019 - CNET

Smart products are replacing our old light bulbs, refrigerators, speakers and more, but what about the stuff in our homes that isn't smart yet? That's where smart plugs come in. These nifty gadgets connect your regular old coffee maker, lamp, fan or nearly anything else to your smart home for voice control and automation.
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The EU has new people in charge. And it's not good news for US tech firms - CNBC

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Getty Images New officials at the heart of the EU will likely keep America's big tech firms under close scrutiny, experts have told CNBC. The European Commission — the EU's executive arm — has fined companies such as Google for disrespecting its competition rules, it's asked Ireland to collect unpaid taxes from Apple and is currently investigating Amazon.
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Prince Harry ‘gives barefoot speech’ at Google climate change retreat to celebs who flocked in on 114 gas - The Sun

The Sun
PRINCE Harry reportedly gave a barefoot speech at a Google climate change retreat yesterday - to celebs who flocked by private jets and superyachts. The Duke of Sussex showed up at the super-secret three-day event to give an impassioned lecture about saving nature to a crowd of VIPS and power brokers, it's claimed.
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