Monday, July 10, 2023

Opinions Review at 3 p.m. [Inoreader digest]

Opinions Review at 3 p.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Jul 10 2023

Opinions Review at 3 p.m. EST Daily
Current Opinions:
The News And Times -
Current Selected Articles:
All Current Articles:
Washington Post: Bargaining with Erdogan over Sweden joining NATO will be difficult
A deal won't come cheap, and it won't come easy. But the required horse-trading is worth it. Washington...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 12m
Global Opinions: What 12 charts reveal about the stalemate in Ukraine
Much hinges on how the war proceeds over the next few weeks. Global Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 12m
Opinion: Cruise lines: operating leverage plus financial leverage powers ocean-goers
Shares are soaring but debt levels mean investors should worry about sector running out of steam Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 12m
Washington Post: The tragedy of cluster bombs
Use of these weapons has received near total condemnation in the international community. Washington...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 43m
Washington Post: How to avert a nuclear war
Our current policy is encouraging further preemptive behavior by Mr. Putin, the opposite of the intended...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 43m
Washington Post: The normal neighborhood noise
I've never been asked by any neighbors whether I minded the sound of their wind chimes, barking dogs,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 43m
Washington Post: How to avert D.C. crime now and a decade from now
Saving lives in three, four or 10 years does nothing for those who get shot tomorrow. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 43m
Washington Post: What 12 charts reveal about the stalemate in Ukraine
Much hinges on how the war proceeds over the next few weeks. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 43m
Washington Post: How our experience can help Ukraine's bid to join the E.U.
Eight foreign ministers write about their countries' experience following the Cold War, and their joint...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
Opinion: Carbon accounting: Scope 3 puts underwriters under pressure
Banks emit little carbon themselves, but provide billions in financings for companies that do Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
editorial | New York Post: 50 Cent gets the reality of crime — too bad Los Angeles...
Rapper 50 Cent slams the Los Angeles no bail policy, saying "Watch how bad it gets out there." ...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
Global Opinions: Photos don't always tell the whole truth. Is that a bad thing?
Even people in drought-stricken Somalia enjoy a summer popsicle. Global Opinions
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1h
Washington Post: Photos don't always tell the whole truth. Is that a bad thing?
Even people in drought-stricken Somalia enjoy a summer popsicle. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion News on Fox News: What Shinzo Abe taught me about strong relationships
I have had the unique privilege of working with scores of heads of state from around the world. Some...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion News on Fox News: Harvard-UNC SCOTUS ruling puts pressure on K-12 to do better
With the U.S. Supreme Court striking down race preferences in university admissions in the much-anticipated...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 2h
Opinion: Investor lessons from taking the temperature of markets
Understanding prevailing investor psychology is key to long-term investment returns Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 3h
Opinion: Thames Water: capitalist cistern cracked by implicit contradictions
The UK utility is a case study in some of the worst aspects of private equity-style financial engineering...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 3h
Opinion: Baseball tries to beat the clock to appeal to younger fans
A sport geared too much to a baby boomer generation changes the rules of the game Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 3h
NYT > Opinion: The 'Ethic of Life' in the Political Arena
Responses to an essay by Tish Harrison Warren. Also: Tom Brady and the crypto crash; Bill de Blasio and...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 3h
W-Socialist-WS: 3 University of California academic workers charged with felony for...
The felony charges are part of a broader effort of the University of California to criminalize dissent...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 3h
Selected Articles Review at 11 a.m. [Inoreader digest]
The News And Times 3h
Opinion: BT/Philip Jansen: fibre vibe leaves chief in unmerited sackcloth
Telecoms boss could not have done better with Ofcom demanding a full-fibre rollout to homes and expansion...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 4h
Washington Post: Jeffrey Epstein's suicide reveals grave failures of U.S. prisons
Few will cry for him. But the government has a responsibility to ensure the well-being of all inmates....
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 6h
Washington Post: Here's a realistic agenda for Biden's second term
Reform should be the goal if the president earns a second term. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Opinion News on Fox News: Washington state's nation-leading gasoline prices should...
Vacationers hitting the highways currently face a nationwide average price of $3.52 per gallon of gasoline,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Opinion News on Fox News: More Chinese ditching Xi's 'Chinese Dream' for an American...
American progressives insist that the American dream is dead. But for thousands of Chinese migrants who...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Washington Post: How today's Twitter has made conservative boycotts more successful
Since Elon Musk took over Twitter, young progressives no longer skew conversations on the platform to...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Washington Post: Men are lost. Here's a map out of the wilderness.
No one's offering men a model except the right. It's time for a new plan. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Washington Post: The best PTSD treatment you've never heard of
It's fine to treat any promising new treatment with scrutiny, but too many in the PTSD community are...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 7h
Washington Post: Meet the Republicans voting 'no' on anti-trans laws
Legislators in Louisiana, Ohio and Utah show that common sense and compassion can still trump party loyalty....
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 8h
NYT > Opinion: Climate Change Demands We Clean Up Our Rivers for Swimming
Munich has done its residents a great service by purifying the Isar River. NYT > Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: After Affirmative Action, How Far Will the Supreme Court Go With Colorblindness?
All race-conscious policymaking is at risk. NYT > Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: The Tale of Two Invasions: What the Last Attack on Jenin Tells Us...
Classmates of 15-year-old Sadeel Naghniyeh carry her body during her funeral in the West Bank Jenin refugee...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: The Turtle Who Came Back From the Dead
Most people love turtles and want to help them. So it's odd that we are the cause of most of their problems....
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: Ron DeSantis Doesn't Know Whether He's Coming or Going
The strange case of the governor of Florida's presidential campaign. NYT > Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
NYT > Opinion: AI Needs to Progress to Jumpstart Our Economic Productivity
The problem isn't that technology is developing too quickly; it's developing too slowly to bolster our...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 9h
Opinion: KKR buyout shows modern dilemmas boards face
Private equity group wins auction with lower bid by claiming financing and competition risks from rival...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 10h
Opinion News on Fox News: Moms for Liberty righteous fire is spreading fast
The overwhelming feeling at the Moms for Liberty conference in Philadelphia last weekend was joyfulness,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 11h
Opinion: Why the economy shrugs at high rates
For now, anyway Opinion
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 12h
W-Socialist-WS: Two American high school students demand Sydney's Macquarie University...
"To deny club status to the IYSSE is a denial of the most basic democratic rights of students to express...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
W-Socialist-WS: Radio New Zealand "editorial audit" expands censorship net
Amid a witch-hunt and widening censorship exercise, a raft of inconvenient truths has been systematically...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
W-Socialist-WS: United Workers Union promotes Australian Labor government at API...
Union officials fawned over leading representatives of the big-business Labor government. At the same...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
W-Socialist-WS: SEP public meeting in Sri Lanka discusses how to fight Wickremesinghe's...
Over 100 people attended the meeting, including workers from the ports, health, railways, and plantation...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
W-Socialist-WS: NATO's Vilnius summit will authorize escalation of its war against...
On Tuesday  and Wednesday, NATO will hold a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, against the backdrop of a media...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
W-Socialist-WS: Australia: Vote "no" to the Health Services Union's sellout of public...
The union-government deal is a deliberate attempt to turn one section of the membership against another,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
NYT > Opinion: What the U.S. Risks By Supplying Ukraine With Cluster Weapons
The weapons will remain a threat to the people of Ukraine no matter what the outcome of this conflict....
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
W-Socialist-WS: A fraudulent presentation of Australia's Indigenous Voice
Indigenous Affairs minister Linda Burney's address to the National Press Club was based on the assertion,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 13h
W-Socialist-WS: Right-wing judge bars federal agencies from restricting COVID-19...
The ruling shows how the Democrats have enabled the right wing to pose as defenders of free speech, while...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
W-Socialist-WS: Stop a rushed NTEU sellout at Sydney's Macquarie University!
The rank-and-file committee at Macquarie University opposes the union's rush to do a deal with management...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
W-Socialist-WS: An interview with economic historian Stephen Wheatcroft on the Soviet...
In this interview, Wheatcroft discusses his findings on the Soviet famine, the attacks on the concept...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
W-Socialist-WS: The bankruptcy of DSA politics: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorses...
The supposed "left" and even "socialist" congresswoman declared her support Thursday, amid newspaper...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
W-Socialist-WS: Teamsters promote strike-breaking Democrats as UPS contract nears...
Portending a sellout contract on its official Twitter account, the Teamsters inion has promoted over...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
W-Socialist-WS: Fluorinated carbons, PFAS, found in nearly half of US tap water
The US Geological Survey recently published a study finding that nearly half of US tap water is polluted...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
Countdown With Keith Olbermann, Episode 242: "Threads" Passes 100 Mill; Musk To Ask...
Episode #242 of the Countdown podcast is up. OnMy.FM link (which also links to his previous podcasts)...
Proginoskes 14h
Why aren't Americans happier about the economy? | Robert Reich
The economy is getting better overall – but as the rich get richer and the poor grow poorer, overall...
Comment is free | The Guardian 14h
Opinion | The Guardian: She performed an abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim. The...
Caitlin Bernard deserves a statue for her service. Instead, she's been harassed and persecutedIf the...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 14h
W-Socialist-WS: "I'm a supplemental/TPT/Stellantis slave": Message from a Warren...
The text to the World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter details the abuse of part-time workers...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
W-Socialist-WS: What autoworkers need to win the 2023 Big Three contract battle
If the UAW bureaucracy retains control over the contract process, it will once again be led to defeat....
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
W-Socialist-WS: Erdoğan backs Ukraine's NATO membership, releases Azov commanders...
Hosting Zelensky in Istanbul before the war summit in Vilnius, Erdoğan declared his support for Ukraine's...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
Opinion: I'm hustling for business. Hold my Pimm's while England bowl
An FT column offering a behind-the-scenes look at the work of Rutherford Hall, critical communications...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 15h
W-Socialist-WS: For a European movement against capitalism and war
The only social force that can prevent another world war is the international working class—that is,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 16h
W-Socialist-WS: Canada's New Democratic Party's feigns "solidarity" with striking...
The NDP is posturing as a defender of workers' rights, while propping up the federal Liberal government...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 16h
W-Socialist-WS: This week in history: July 10-16
null W-Socialist-WS
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 16h
Saved Web Pages - Daily Report at 9 p.m. [Inoreader digest]
The News And Times 18h
W-Socialist-WS: Leading German media outlets call for unlimited arms deliveries to...
In the run-up to the NATO summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, leading German politicians and media...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 18h
editorial | New York Post: Liberal Supreme Court justice comes out in favor of segregation
Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson is trying to put one over on America. editorial | ...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 19h
Tweets Review at 5 p.m. [Inoreader digest]
The News And Times 21h
Washington Post: Project labor agreements are not right for Prince George's new schools
The National Black Chamber of Commerce opposes PLAs because they "greatly reduce the number of minorities,...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
Washington Post: Georgia is taking Medicaid in the wrong direction
"Continuous coverage" during the pandemic benefited tens of millions of participants. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
Washington Post: Smarter smart taxes (and incentives)
Congress could recapture revenue by eliminating the capital gains preference. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
Washington Post: Maya Shankar's sound rules for living
The cognitive scientist's lessons are invaluable. Washington Post
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
Washington Post: Roger Gregory's excellent tenure on the 4th Circuit bench
The chief judge exhibited diligence, wisdom and appreciation, showing respect for history, customs and...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 22h
W-Socialist-WS: Ministry of Defence confirms war crimes inquiry into UK Special Forces...
The inquiry follows years of reporting of alleged unlawful killings in Afghanistan by the SAS. W-Socialist-WS
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 23h
W-Socialist-WS: European Union Court of Justice strips Catalan separatist leader...
The Spanish Supreme Court is set to issue a new European Arrest Warrant for Puigdemont and other former...
1. Opinions from Michael_Novakhov (43 sites) 1d

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