Saturday, November 16, 2019

"путин" - Google Новости: Матвиенко связала дату визита Путина на Кубу с его графиком - РБК

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November 16, 2019
"путин" - Google Новости: Матвиенко связала дату визита Путина на Кубу с его графиком - РБК
"путин" - Google Новости: Климкин рассказал об успехе Путина в Донбассе - РИА Новости
"Russia" - Google News: Why Russian Fighter Jets Are Threatening NATO In The Baltics - The National Interest Online
"russia" - Google News: Robert Weiner and August Clarke: Russia should be banned from 2020 Tokyo Olympics - Salt Lake Tribune

"путин" - Google Новости: Матвиенко связала дату визита Путина на Кубу с его графиком - РБК

Политика , 17 ноя, 04:44 0 Поделиться Поделиться Facebook Twitter Вконтакте Одноклассники Матвиенко связала дату визита Путина на Кубу с его графиком Дата визита президента России Владимира Путина на Кубу будет зависеть от графика главы государства, а также сроков согласования с кубинскими властями. read more

"путин" - Google Новости: Климкин рассказал об успехе Путина в Донбассе - РИА Новости

"К сожалению, у него (Путина – прим. ред.) много успехов. Этот успех нужно еще реализовать, но символически он есть. Успех заключается в том, что происходит разведение (войск на Донбассе – прим. read more

"Russia" - Google News: Why Russian Fighter Jets Are Threatening NATO In The Baltics - The National Interest Online

Key point: Russia and NATO's military buildup in the Baltics is creating a tense situation.  In the most recent illustration of ongoing Russia-NATO military tensions over Baltic airspace, recently released footage shows a Russian Su-27 fighter making a sharp turn into an American F-15C. read more

"russia" - Google News: Robert Weiner and August Clarke: Russia should be banned from 2020 Tokyo Olympics - Salt Lake Tribune

The Russian Federation wants to play by its own rules in the 2020 Olympic Games. However, Russia has had a long and shameful history of doping its Olympic athletes and has been banned since 2016. read more
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News / MN Newsletter // November 16

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November 16, 2019
Top stories - Google News: Stents and bypass surgery are no more effective than drugs for stable heart disease, highly anticipated trial results show - The Washington Post
Top stories - Google News: Former Browns OC Todd Haley rips Freddie Kitchens for Myles Garrett outburst: 'Comes back to coaching' - USA TODAY
Top stories - Google News: White House official Mark Sandy arrives for closed-door deposition in impeachment inquiry: the latest - USA TODAY
Top stories - Google News: Leonids meteor shower peaks tonight: Best times, place to see shooting stars -
Top stories - Google News: Study Finds Limited Benefits of Stent Use for Millions With Heart Disease - The Wall Street Journal

Top stories - Google News: Stents and bypass surgery are no more effective than drugs for stable heart disease, highly anticipated trial results show - The Washington Post

Overall, the keenly anticipated ISCHEMIA study results suggest that invasive procedures, stents and bypass surgery, should be used more sparingly in patients with stable heart disease and the decision to use them should be less rushed, experts said. read more

Top stories - Google News: Former Browns OC Todd Haley rips Freddie Kitchens for Myles Garrett outburst: 'Comes back to coaching' - USA TODAY

Todd Haley was the Cleveland Browns' offensive coordinator for seven games last year before he and head coach Hue Jackson were shown the door. One of his former subordinates, Freddie Kitchens, excelled enough in his stead as a play-caller to become the head coach in Cleveland. read more

Top stories - Google News: White House official Mark Sandy arrives for closed-door deposition in impeachment inquiry: the latest - USA TODAY

WASHINGTON – The impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump continued Saturday as the House Intelligence, Oversight, and Foreign Affairs Committees held a closed-door deposition with Mark Sandy, a career aide inside the White House budget office.  read more

Top stories - Google News: Leonids meteor shower peaks tonight: Best times, place to see shooting stars -

The Leonids meteor shower is set to appear in the night sky tonight. The Leonids will peak late Saturday night into early Sunday morning. It is best viewed around midnight Saturday night (Nov. read more

Top stories - Google News: Study Finds Limited Benefits of Stent Use for Millions With Heart Disease - The Wall Street Journal

Study Finds Limited Benefits of Stent Use for Millions With Heart Disease The Wall Street JournalISCHEMIA Study Finds No Evidence of Fewer Cardiac Events After Heart Procedures NYU Langone HealthStents and bypass surgery are no more effective than drugs for stable heart disease, highly anticipated trial results show The Washington PostHeart disease patients with exercise-induced chest pain may not need stents NBC NewsSurgery for Blocked Arteries Is Often Unwarranted, Researchers Find The New York TimesView full coverage on Google News read more
1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 16 ноября, 2019
"russia as mafia state" - Google News: The Alleged Russian Mobsters in Trump World's Orbit: A Dirty Dozen - Daily Beast
"russia as mafia state" - Google News: The Corruption of the Word “Corruption” Amid the Impeachment Hearings - The New Yorker
Voice of America - English: Iraqi Protesters Seize Ground in Central Baghdad
"russia" - Google News: Russia 1-4 Belgium: Eden Hazard double as Red Devils continue flawless form - BBC News

1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 16 ноября, 2019

Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность read more

"russia as mafia state" - Google News: The Alleged Russian Mobsters in Trump World's Orbit: A Dirty Dozen - Daily Beast

Donald Trump knows absolutely everybody but can’t remember their names or faces, especially when they’re in trouble, and even more so when their mother tongue is Russian. Last month Congress began its inquiry into whether or not the president committed an impeachable offense (or offenses) by withholding U.S. read more

"russia as mafia state" - Google News: The Corruption of the Word “Corruption” Amid the Impeachment Hearings - The New Yorker

Corruption is at the center of the impeachment inquiry. Foreign-policy officials have testified that they worked to help Ukraine fight its entrenched corruption. The Democrats are alleging that President Donald Trump and his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, along with Giuliani’s two partner-helpers, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, tried to divert American foreign policy to their own corrupt ends, by instigating an investigation into ostensible corruption. read more

Voice of America - English: Iraqi Protesters Seize Ground in Central Baghdad

Protesters pushed closer Saturday to a protected area in central Baghdad that houses parliament and several foreign embassies, officials said.  Iraqi security and medical officials said protesters seized control of the strategic Khilani Square and part of a bridge that leads to the Green Zone security area that includes Baghdad's seat of government.  read more

"russia" - Google News: Russia 1-4 Belgium: Eden Hazard double as Red Devils continue flawless form - BBC News

Thorgan Hazard (left), who plays for Borussia Dortmund, celebrated with his brother, Real Madrid star EdenEden Hazard scored twice as Belgium continued their perfect record in Euro 2020 qualifying with a thumping win over Russia. read more
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Путин поздравил журналиста Боровика с 90-летием - Известия

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November 16, 2019
Путин поздравил журналиста Боровика с 90-летием - Известия
Путин поздравил президента Киргизии с днем рождения - Московский Комсомолец
Путин приветствовал участников Генеральной ассамблеи FEI - Матч ТВ
Путин предложил вести расчеты между странами БРИКС в рублях - Газета.Ru
Путин назвал сроки открытия российского отделения Банка БРИКС в Москве - РИА Новости

Путин поздравил журналиста Боровика с 90-летием - Известия

Президент России Владимир Путин поздравил с 90-летием журналиста-международника Генриха Боровика. Соответствующая телеграмма была опубликована 16 ноября на сайте Кремля. Президент отметил, что Боровика по праву считают выдающимся представителем российского журналистского сообщества, а его репортажи до сих пор являются эталоном профессионального мастерства. read more

Путин поздравил президента Киргизии с днем рождения - Московский Комсомолец

Президент России Владимир Путин в ходе телефонного разговора поздравил президента Киргизии Сооронбая Жээнбекова с днем рождения, сообщается на сайте Кремля. Ранее сообщалось, что Путин отправил Жээнбекову поздравительную телеграмму, в которой изъявил желание к продолжению плодотворного сотрудничества. read more

Путин приветствовал участников Генеральной ассамблеи FEI - Матч ТВ

Путин приветствовал участников Генеральной ассамблеи FEI Президент РФ Владимир Путин обратился с приветственной телеграммой к участникам Генеральной ассамблеи Международной федерации конного спорта (FEI). read more

Путин предложил вести расчеты между странами БРИКС в рублях - Газета.Ru

Президент России Владимир Путин выступил с предложением активнее использовать рубль для проведения операций между странами БРИКС. Об этом сообщает РИА «Новости». Он отметил, что российский рубль «полностью и свободно конвертируется на любые мировые валюты». read more

Путин назвал сроки открытия российского отделения Банка БРИКС в Москве - РИА Новости

БРАЗИЛИА, 14 ноя - РИА Новости. Открытие российского отделения Нового банка развития БРИКС в Москве ожидается в начале 2020 года, заявил президент РФ Владимир Путин. "Имеем в виду в ближайшее время завершить все необходимые процедуры для открытия его офиса в Москве уже в первой половине 2020 года", - сказал он на встрече с членами делового совета БРИКС и Нового банка развития. read more
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1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 16 ноября, 2019

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November 16, 2019
1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 16 ноября, 2019
Window on Eurasia -- New Series: ‘Putin isn’t an Asian of Today but a European of Several Centuries Ago,’ Inozemtsev Says
"путин" - Google Новости: "Путин был наглым дворовым пацаном". Воспоминания каскадера - Радио Свобода
"Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016" - Google News: LIMBAUGH: The Democrats' Election Interference Projection - The Daily Wire
"Nato Russia" - Google News: Turkey Is the World’s New Nuclear Menace - Bloomberg Australia-NZ

1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 16 ноября, 2019

Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность read more

Window on Eurasia -- New Series: ‘Putin isn’t an Asian of Today but a European of Several Centuries Ago,’ Inozemtsev Says

Paul Goble Staunton, November 12 – Many Russians and Europeans view Putin, having made his much-ballyhooed turn to the east, as a new edition of an Asian despot; but they are wrong, Vladislav Inozemtsev says. read more

"путин" - Google Новости: "Путин был наглым дворовым пацаном". Воспоминания каскадера - Радио Свобода

Что связывает Владимира Путина и доцента Олега Соколова, убившего и расчленившего аспирантку? Знаменитый каскадер Николай Ващилин говорит, что в 1970-х годах в Ленинграде сложились криминальные структуры, в которые входили как спортсмены, так и люди, причастные к кинематографу. read more

"Russia and US Presidential Elections of 2016" - Google News: LIMBAUGH: The Democrats' Election Interference Projection - The Daily Wire

You know what doesn’t pass the smell test in the Democrats’ sham impeachment crusade? Their main beef is that President Donald Trump abused his power to interfere with a presidential election (2020), yet that’s all they have been doing for the last three years. read more

"Nato Russia" - Google News: Turkey Is the World’s New Nuclear Menace - Bloomberg Australia-NZ

Turkey Is the World’s New Nuclear Menace Bloomberg Australia-NZ "Nato Russia" - Google News read more
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News / MN Newsletter // November 16

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November 16, 2019
A New York Times reporter dug into Ukraine and the Democrats. Critics are still howling. - The Washington Post
Ukraine, Russian forces in Donbass pullout - The Canberra Times
Russians Delighted as Impeachment Confirms Trump Doesn't 'Give a S--t About Ukraine' - The Daily Beast
The real reason for the Russia Hoax (and Ukraine, and impeachment, and the next thing) - American Thinker
UNIAN: Russian media report Moscow agrees to return seized naval boats to Ukraine - Kyiv Post

A New York Times reporter dug into Ukraine and the Democrats. Critics are still howling. - The Washington Post

Both articles have been cited by President Trump’s allies as support for a broader conspiracy theory: that Ukrainian sources sought to influence the 2016 election in Democrat Hillary Clinton’s favor and that Biden acted corruptly as vice president, thus justifying an investigation. read more

Ukraine, Russian forces in Donbass pullout - The Canberra Times

news, world Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed rebels have begun withdrawing from a village in the disputed Donbass region, one of a series of measures that could pave the way for a summit between Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany. read more

Russians Delighted as Impeachment Confirms Trump Doesn't 'Give a S--t About Ukraine' - The Daily Beast

As Russia’s state media watch impeachment proceedings against U.S. President Donald J. Trump they’re loving what they see. They don’t think the man they brag about getting elected is in much danger. read more

The real reason for the Russia Hoax (and Ukraine, and impeachment, and the next thing) - American Thinker

The Russia Hoax was never about Russia. It was always a cover story to unleash a legal assault on Team Trump, the sole aim of which was to look for, and create, secondary crimes (e.g., decades-old loan applications [Paul Manafort], a misremembered timeline [George Papadopoulos], raiding the son of a top-tier target [Michael Flynn] to compel a guilty plea, or the ever-reliable "lying" charge [Roger Stone]). read more

UNIAN: Russian media report Moscow agrees to return seized naval boats to Ukraine - Kyiv Post

Russia's War Against Ukraine UNIAN: Russian media report Moscow agrees to return seized naval boats to Ukraine Published Nov. 16 at 10:46 am Seized Ukrainian military vessels are seen in a port of Kerch, Crimea, on Nov. read more
Donald Trump, Corruption Fighter? - The New York Times
Black Friday: how can you tell the good deals from the bad? - The Guardian
Friday's national newspaper front pages - Sky News
The Lib Dems hate Labour more than they hate Brexit - The Guardian
Android Circuit: New Galaxy S11 Leaks, Moto Razr's Radical Fold, Samsung's Mysterious Screen - Forbes

Donald Trump, Corruption Fighter? - The New York Times

Republican defenders of Donald Trump have argued that he withheld congressionally mandated military aid to Ukraine and a promised White House meeting because he wanted assurances that Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, was serious about fighting corruption. read more

Black Friday: how can you tell the good deals from the bad? - The Guardian

Here’s a few predictions for Black Friday. John Lewis will slash the price of Le Creuset pans. Amazon Fire tablets will be marked down by a third. Google Home Minis will drop towards £20. read more

Friday's national newspaper front pages - Sky News

Friday's national newspaper front pages Sky News takes a look at the stories making a splash in Friday's national newspapers. read more

The Lib Dems hate Labour more than they hate Brexit - The Guardian

The Tory electoral strategy is straightforward: unite leave voters behind the Conservative banner. Nigel Farage’s decision to form a de facto pact with the Tories should serve as a moment of clarity. read more

Android Circuit: New Galaxy S11 Leaks, Moto Razr's Radical Fold, Samsung's Mysterious Screen - Forbes

Taking a look back at seven days of news and headlines across the world of Android, this week’s Android Circuit includes the latest Galaxy S11 leaks, Samsung’s mysterious screen, Sony’s curved Xperia, the return of the Moto Razr, a hands-on review of the Mi Note 10, and Android gestures face up to the navigation keys. read more
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