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Friday, May 12, 2017

2:21 PM 5/12/2017 - Russia's Immortal Regiment: From Grassroots To 'Quasi-Religious Cult' - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty

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Russia's Immortal Regiment: From Grassroots To 'Quasi-Religious Cult' - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
Andrew McCabe: Acting FBI Director
Trump Lawyers State He Had No Russian Income or Debt, With Few Exceptions
Trump Warns Fired FBI Chief About 'Leaking' To Press
Roles, Duties of Attorney General, Assistant AG, FBI Director
Kremlin Aide Threatens Retaliation If U.S. Doesn't Lift Restrictions On Diplomatic Compounds
Владимир Путин принял участие в акции «Бессмертный полк»
Встреча с Президентом Палестины Махмудом Аббасом
Trump suggests there may be tapes of his private conversations with former FBI director
Ушаков: Путин выступит в Пекине на церемонии открытия форума и проведет ряд встреч - ТАСС
Putin and Russia Continue to Play Games - Observer
How Trump Handed Putin a Big Fat Win - Vanity Fair
The Latest: UK's health service hit by ransomware attack - KOAM-TV
Russia's Immortal Regiment: From Grassroots To 'Quasi-Religious Cult' - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty
СМИ: Трамп привезет на саммит НАТО делегацию из 1000 человек - Московский Комсомолец
В Черном море начались новые учения стран НАТО - АСН Украина
Trump threatens ex-FBI head Comey with possible 'tapes' of conversations
A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the F.B.I.
AP Top News at 12:18 p.m. EDT: Trump warns Comey: Better hope there are no 'tapes' of talks
AP Top News at 1:26 p.m. EDT: As Trump seeks billions for wall, US still paying for fence
NYT > World: Cyberattack in U.K. Hits 16 Health Institutions
NYT > Home Page: A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the F.B.I.
Trump - Google News: A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the FBI - New York Times
World - Google News: Putin issues new cyber strategy to regulate Russian internet; online media and anonymity targeted - Washington Times
Reuters: World News: Way forward for Libya uncertain despite 'breakthrough' meeting

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Russia's Immortal Regiment: From Grassroots To 'Quasi-Religious Cult' - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty


Russia's Immortal Regiment: From Grassroots To 'Quasi-Religious Cult'
Since 2015, top Russian officials from President Vladimir Putin on down have participated in the procession, which is meant to evoke and honor the estimated 27 million Soviets who died during the war and those who lived to see victory. But the Immortal ...

and more »
Andrew McCabe: Acting FBI Director

Former deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe was named acting director after James Comey was suddenly fired Tuesday. Fewer than 48 hours after taking over, McCabe testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee, asserting that Comey's firing by President Donald Trump has had no impact on an ongoing Russia investigation. McCabe, 49, had served as deputy director since February 2016 with Comey, where he has largely been focused on the Russia investigation as well as a probe into Clinton's use of a private email server for government business while she served as secretary of state. Justice Department officials have spoken with McCabe in recent days as they interview potential candidates to replace Comey, but it is not clear how seriously he is being considered for the position. NY, Washington field office Since he joined the FBI as a special agent in the New York field office in 1996, McCabe has held a number of positions including supervising the Washington field office. He also held leadership positions in counterterrorism and national security. During his time in Washington, McCabe was involved in the investigation into the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the arrest and interrogation of Ahmed Abu Khattala - a suspect in the attack on the U.S. embassy in Libya in 2012. In 2015, just before he was named deputy director of the agency, McCabe came under scrutiny when his wife accepted $500,000 for a failed state Senate campaign in Virginia from the political organization of Governor Terry McAuliffe, a close Clinton ally. The incident, and whether he should have recused himself, have come under scrutiny as the Department of Justice continues to probe the FBI's handling of Clinton's use of the private server. The FBI has said that McCabe consulted ethics officers when his wife first considered running for office on guidance to avoid potential conflicts of interest. McCabe graduated from Duke University and obtained a law degree from Washington University in St. Louis.

Trump Lawyers State He Had No Russian Income or Debt, With Few Exceptions

In a letter to the president, his lawyers say there was no debt owed to Russians, and two major payments from Russian sources over the last 10 years.
Trump Warns Fired FBI Chief About 'Leaking' To Press

U.S. President Donald Trump has issued a comment on Twitter apparently warning former FBI Director James Comey against "leaking to the press," suggesting there might be "tapes" of their private conversations.

Roles, Duties of Attorney General, Assistant AG, FBI Director

Attorney General As the nations top law enforcement official, the U.S. attorney general oversees the enforcement of federal laws. The attorney general heads the Department of Justice (DOJ), which has evolved into the worlds largest law office since Congress created it in 1870. The DOJs mission is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the country, protect it from foreign and domestic threats, seek just punishment for wrongdoers, and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans. The DOJ oversees a staff of U.S. attorneys, also known as chief prosecutors, who represent the federal government in U.S. district court and the U.S. court of appeals. U.S. Attorneys are located throughout the U.S., including Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Deputy Attorney General The deputy attorney general is the second highest ranking official at the Department of Justice. The deputy attorney general manages the daily operation of the DOJ and may serve as acting attorney general in the absence of the attorney general or if he is forced to recuse himself in an investigation. The deputy attorney general heads the Office of the Assistant Attorney General (OAAG), which is responsible for the oversight of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), which includes efforts designed to prevent juvenile delinquency and sex offenses. According to OJP, it provides innovative leadership to federal, state, local and tribal justice systems by distributing state of the art knowledge and practices across America. The deputy attorney general is appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate. The third highest ranking official in the DOJ is the associate attorney general, who assists the deputy attorney general in policies pertaining to civil justice, law enforcement and public safety. The associate attorney general also manages many offices within the DOJ, including Community Oriented Policing Services and the office of Violence Against Women. The associate attorney general is appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. FBI Director The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) manages the FBI, which describes itself as the principal investigative arm of the DOJ and a full member of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The director is appointed to a 10 year term by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The FBI says it is an intelligence-driven and threat-focused national security organization with both intelligence and law enforcement responsibilities. The agency says its investigative powers are the broadest of all federal law enforcement agencies, with the legal authority to investigate a broad array of cases ranging from domestic and international terrorism, to cyber crime, civil rights and white collar crime.

Kremlin Aide Threatens Retaliation If U.S. Doesn't Lift Restrictions On Diplomatic Compounds

A top Kremlin foreign-policy adviser has threatened retaliatory measures against U.S. officials in response to Washington's closure of Russian diplomatic property in the United States last year.

Владимир Путин принял участие в акции «Бессмертный полк»

В День Победы Владимир Путин с портретом своего отца-фронтовика принял участие в шествии «Бессмертного полка».
Владимир Путин принял участие в акции «Бессмертный полк» .В рамках акции «Бессмертный полк» 9 мая в городах России и за рубежом люди выходят на марш с портретами своих родственников  участников Великой Отечественной войны. Впервые акция состоялась в Томске в 2012 году.
Встреча с Президентом Палестины Махмудом Аббасом

Владимир Путин принял в резиденции Бочаров Ручей в Сочи Президента Государства Палестина Махмуда Аббаса, которыйАббаса в резиденции Бочаров ручей в Сочи. Президент Палестины находится в России с рабочим визитом.
С Президентом Палестины Махмудом Аббасом.Перед началом переговоров Владимир Путин и Махмуд Аббас в режиме телемоста приняли участие в открытии Многофункционального культурно-спортивного комплекса в Вифлееме, построенного при содействии России.
Комплекс возведён в соответствии с поручением главы Российского государства и  передан предан в качестве дара народу Палестины.
По итогам встречи Президенты России и Палестины сделали заявления для прессы.
* * * 
В.Путин: Уважаемый господин Президент! Уважаемые друзья! Позвольте мне вас от всего сердца поприветствовать у нас в России. Я рад нашей новой встрече.
Отношения с Палестиной для нас носят особый характер и имеют особое значение. Только что мы и наши коллеги в Палестине, в Вифлееме, говорили о глубоких корнях взаимоотношений между Россией и Палестиной. И в новейшей истории наши отношения всегда были очень тёплыми и доверительными.
Я хочу поблагодарить Вас, уважаемый господин Президент, за то внимание, которое Вы оказываете российско-палестинским отношениям, за поддержку наших соотечественников, которые живут в Палестине и которые приезжают в качестве паломников в святые места.
Многие годы мы вместе работаем над одной из ключевых проблем современного мира  над урегулированием ближневосточной проблемы.
И конечно, у нас всегда есть о чём поговорить. Я очень рад Вас видеть. Надеюсь, что Ваш визит пройдёт весьма результативно.
М.Аббас (как переведено): Большое спасибо.
Действительно, нас переполняет радость по поводу открытия этого замечательного центра в Вифлееме по Вашему указанию. И хочу отметить Ваше личное внимание и внимание России к укреплению российско-палестинских отношений.
Сейчас мы празднуем 135-летнюю годовщину установления отношений между Россией и Палестиной. И палестинский народ гордится этими отношениями, так было всегда, с момента их установления и по сей день, так как палестинцы всегда чувствуют, что вы вместе с нами, вы нас поддерживаете, занимаете схожие с нами позиции. Позиция России в этом смысле неизменна с самого начала отношений и по сей день.
Позиция России отличается твёрдостью, это позиция в поддержку создания независимого Палестинского государства в границах 1967 года со столицей в Восточном Иерусалиме. Эту позицию мы всегда слышим от вас, она твёрдая, и вы всегда нам её повторяете.
Невозможно урегулировать палестинскую проблему без реального участия России. К этому мы всегда стремимся, об этом всегда говорим, в том числе во всех международных форматах.
И я ещё раз готов повторить: мы всегда стремимся получить вашу поддержку, об этом мы всегда с Вами говорим  о том, что Россия должна быть вместе с нами, занимать схожую позицию. И я надеюсь, что так и будет в ближайшие дни, в ближайшие месяцы, и в конечном итоге мы сможем, благодаря всем этим усилиям, добиться установления Государства Палестина.
В.Путин: Спасибо.
Trump suggests there may be tapes of his private conversations with former FBI director

Trump suggests there may be 'tapes' of his private conversations with former FBI director

President Trump suggested Friday that there may be tapes of his private conversations with FBI Director James B. Comey, whom he fired earlier this week, in an apparent attempt to threaten Comey about warn Comey before he starts leaking to the press. James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the [] []
Ушаков: Путин выступит в Пекине на церемонии открытия форума и проведет ряд встреч - ТАСС

Ушаков: Путин выступит в Пекине на церемонии открытия форума и проведет ряд встреч
МОСКВА, 12 мая. /ТАСС/. Президент РФ Владимир Путин в ходе поездки в Китай для участия в форуме "Один пояс - один путь" проведет переговоры с председателем КНР Си Цзиньпином, премьер Госсовета КНР Ли Кэцяном, президентом Чехии Милошем Земаном, а также ...
Путин встретится в Пекине с президентом Чехии Милошем Земаном
Путин встретится с премьером Греции во время визита в КитайАргументы и факты
Путин во время визита в Китай проведет встречу с президентом ЧехииКомсомольская правда

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Putin and Russia Continue to Play Games - Observer


Putin and Russia Continue to Play Games
Elizabeth Palmer of CBS News asked Putin, through a translator, if Comey's firing would impact bilateral relations between Russia and the U.S.Putin answered, We have nothing to do with that It will not affect [Russia-U.S. bilateral relations] in ...
Trump's decision to fire Comey is another win for Vladimir PutinVox
Putin asked Trump to meet with top Russian diplomat in Oval Office: ReportWashington Examiner
Trump and Putin to meet in July, Russian state media saysCNN
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How Trump Handed Putin a Big Fat Win - Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair

How Trump Handed Putin a Big Fat Win
Vanity Fair
In reality, Russia is shrinking. When the Soviet Union collapsed, in 1991, there were 149 million people living there. Today, there are 144 million. Until the death rate drops and the birth rate jumpsless H.I.V., less tuberculosis, less alcoholism ...

The Latest: UK's health service hit by ransomware attack - KOAM-TV

The Latest: UK's health service hit by ransomware attack
Britain's National Health Service says hospitals across the country have been hit by a "ransomware" cyberattack but there is no evidence that patient data has been accessed. NHS Digital, which oversees hospital cybersecurity, says the attack used the ...

and more »
Russia's Immortal Regiment: From Grassroots To 'Quasi-Religious Cult' - RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty


Russia's Immortal Regiment: From Grassroots To 'Quasi-Religious Cult'
Since 2015, top Russian officials from President Vladimir Putin on down have participated in the procession, which is meant to evoke and honor the estimated 27 million Soviets who died during the war and those who lived to see victory. But the Immortal ...

СМИ: Трамп привезет на саммит НАТО делегацию из 1000 человек - Московский Комсомолец

СМИ: Трамп привезет на саммит НАТО делегацию из 1000 человек
Московский Комсомолец
На саммите НАТО в Брюсселе 25 мая президента США будет сопровождать делегация из почти тысячи человек. Об этом сообщила газета La Dernière Heure, ссылаясь на правительственные источники. По данным издания, Трам прибудет в столицу Бельгии 24 мая и сразу направится в ...

and more »
В Черном море начались новые учения стран НАТО - АСН Украина

АСН Украина

В Черном море начались новые учения стран НАТО
АСН Украина
Учения должны укрепить взаимодействие между разными родами войск стран НАТО. Отмечается, что в оснащение американского эсминца Oscar Austin входят ракетные установки Tomahawk и системы морской артиллерии, что позволяет уничтожать неприятеля на расстоянии более ...
В Черном море у берегов Румынии начались учения стран НАТОEADaily

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Trump threatens ex-FBI head Comey with possible 'tapes' of conversations

Trump threatens ex-FBI head Comey with possible 'tapes' of conversations

Posted by mikenov on Friday, May 12th, 2017 3:05pm
A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the F.B.I.

mikenova shared this story .

Here are some of the choices being discussed inside the White House:

J. Michael Luttig

Mr. Luttig is a former Justice Department lawyer and federal appeals court judge who was appointed by President George Bush. Widely admired by conservatives, Mr. Luttig left the bench in 2006 to become general counsel of Boeing, a position he still holds.
Mr. Luttig would be a throwback pick. Judges were long selected to run the F.B.I. because they were seen as likely to keep agents within constitutional boundaries and were steeped in criminal law. But the F.B.I. mission has changed drastically since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, with the bureau now as much a part of the nation’s intelligence apparatus as it is a law enforcement body.
Both Mr. Comey and his predecessor, Robert S. Mueller III, were former prosecutors with antiterrorism experience. Mr. Comey, in particular, came to office with broad national security and intelligence experience as a former deputy attorney general during the administration of President George W. Bush.

Senator John Cornyn

According to one senior White House aide, administration officials have discussed as a possibility Mr. Cornyn, who served as the Texas attorney general. He is one of several possible candidates who are current and former members of the House and Senate.

Representative Trey Gowdy

Mr. Gowdy, the South Carolina Republican and a former federal prosecutor, oversaw the Benghazi special investigation in the House. Many F.B.I. agents saw that inquiry as a boondoggle and view Mr. Gowdy as highly partisan.

Mike Rogers

Mr. Rogers is the former chairman of the powerful House Intelligence Committee, who represented Michigan and once served as an agent in the bureau. Respected among agents who felt he was a straight shooter, he probably has the credibility to steer the F.B.I. out of a hurricane of bad publicity.

Raymond W. Kelly

Mr. Trump and his advisers have asked some people whether they believe Mr. Kelly, the former New York police commissioner, would be “loyal,” language similar to what he used in questioning Mr. Comey’s effectiveness, according to people briefed on the discussions. In Mr. Kelly’s case, those briefed said, the White House appeared to be trying to assess whether Mr. Kelly would seek to advance his own image, as Mr. Trump accused Mr. Comey of doing.
Reached by phone, Mr. Kelly declined to comment on whether he had spoken with the president about the job. But Mr. Kelly is said to be seen as outside the top tier of candidates because the job is a 10-year appointment and at 75, he is older than many of the other prospects.
As police commissioner, he also had a combative relationship with the F.B.I., with the two agencies frequently engaged in turf wars. He was widely disliked among agents who felt he constantly worked to undermine the F.B.I., creating a legacy of mistrust.

Other possibilities

Kelly Ayotte, the former New Hampshire attorney general who lost her seat in the United States Senate last year, has been pushed by some of her Senate colleagues and some Republican advisers to the White House who believe that she would easily be confirmed.
But Mr. Trump has remained leery of Ms. Ayotte, who publicly broke with him during his presidential campaign and criticized him, according to people close to the White House.
One other woman has been discussed: Alice Fisher, a white-collar criminal lawyer in Washington who ran the criminal division of the Justice Department during the second half of the George W. Bush administration.
George Terwilliger, who helped lead the George W. Bush campaign’s recount efforts in 2000 and served for a time as deputy attorney general under Mr. Bush’s father, is another name being batted about.
Mr. Trump could also do something no president has: Elevate a senior F.B.I. official to be the next director. That would be seen as an olive branch to the bureau and would help avoid allegations that Mr. Trump was selecting a political loyalist.
Aides to the president did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Chief among the White House’s concerns is that the Senate confirmation process go smoothly, which requires selecting and vetting a nominee who is acceptable to both Republicans and Democrats. Mr. Trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, have made calls to people outside the White House asking their opinions of different candidates.
Continue reading the main story
AP Top News at 12:18 p.m. EDT: Trump warns Comey: Better hope there are no 'tapes' of talks

 AP Top News at 12:18 p.m. EDT
AP Top News at 1:26 p.m. EDT: As Trump seeks billions for wall, US still paying for fence

HOUSTON (AP) -- Before the wall, there was the fence. And the U.S. is still paying for it....

 AP Top News at 1:26 p.m. EDT
NYT > World: Cyberattack in U.K. Hits 16 Health Institutions

A National Health Service sign outside a hospital in central London. A spokesman for the service said that 16 organizations, including hospitals and other kinds of clinician services, had been hit by a cyberattack on Friday.

 NYT > World
NYT > Home Page: A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the F.B.I.

Among the choices being discussed at the White House are J. Michael Luttig, a former judge; Senator John Cornyn, the No. 2 Republican; and Representative Trey Gowdy, officials said.

 NYT > Home Page
Trump - Google News: A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the FBI - New York Times

New York Times

A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the FBI
New York Times
WASHINGTON President Trump has broadened his search for a new F.B.I. director in recent days, moving to install a leader who would be viewed as independent from the White House amid the backlash over his abrupt dismissal of James B. Comey.

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Putin issues new cyber strategy to regulate Russian internet; online media and anonymity targeted
Washington Times
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Friday, May 12, 2017. (Alexei Nikolsky/Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP) more >. Print. By Andrew Blake - The Washington Times - Friday, May 12, 2017. Russian ...

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TUNIS (Reuters) - Libyan military commander Khalifa Haftar, a figurehead in the east of the country, and Fayez Seraj, the head of a U.N.-backed government in Tripoli, appeared at ease as they broke more than a year of deadlock between them at talks in Abu Dhabi last week.

 Reuters: World News
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A Look at the Candidates Trump Is Considering to Head the F.B.I.
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1. Opinions from mikenova (36 sites): NYT > Opinion: Op-Ed Contributor: The Treasures of Timbuktu
1. World from mikenova (18 sites): News: Families demand DNA tests on Dutch fertility clinic head accused of using his own sperm to father children
1. Russia from mikenova (98 sites): Russia: Trump Lawyers State He Had No Russian Income or Debt, With Few Exceptions
DNI Confirms Senior Russian Officials' Involvement in U.S. Election - MeriTalk (blog)
Trump lawyers push back against Russia ties in letter - Washington Post
What's Behind the Rise of MS-13? - CityLab
Trump lawyer says tax returns from past 10 years show no 'income of any type from Russian souces,' with few ... - CNBC

Saved Stories - None 
trump russia ties - Google News: Trump lawyers push back against Russia ties in letter - Washington Post

Washington Post

Trump lawyers push back against Russia ties in letter
Washington Post
WASHINGTON Lawyers for President Donald Trump said Friday that a review of his last 10 years of tax returns did not reflect any income of any type fromRussian sources, but the letter included exceptions related to previously cited income ...
Trump lawyer says tax returns from past 10 years show no 'income of any type from Russian souces,' with few ...CNBC
Michael Flynn issued with subpoena by Senate committee investigating Trump-Russia tiesThe Independent
Trump Lawyers Say Taxes Show Few Russia Ties Over 10
The Economist
all 134 news articles »

 trump russia ties - Google News
US elections and russia - Google News: Stephanie Murphy: Russian interference in US elections 'direct assault on our democracy' - Florida Politics (blog)

Florida Politics (blog)

Stephanie Murphy: Russian interference in US elections 'direct assault on our democracy'
Florida Politics (blog)
Democratic U.S. Rep. Stephanie Murphy renewed her call Friday for independent, non-partisan investigations into Russia's involvement in last fall's elections, calling the Russian activities a direct assault on our democracy. Speaking at the Winter ...

 US elections and russia - Google News
Russian Intelligence, organized crime and mass shootings - Google News: The Daily 202: Trump's warning to Comey deepens doubts about his respect for the rule of law - Washington Post

Washington Post

The Daily 202: Trump's warning to Comey deepens doubts about his respect for the rule of law
Washington Post
With Breanne Deppisch. THE BIG IDEA: The biggest news out of Donald Trump's Thursday interview with NBC was his confession that the Russia investigation was on his mind when he fired FBI director James Comey. Undercutting 48 hours of denials by his ...

and more »

 Russian Intelligence, organized crime and mass shootings - Google News
Russian Intelligence services - Google News: [Investigation] Russian spies or US neo-Nazis: Who hacked Macron? - EUobserver


[Investigation] Russian spies or US neo-Nazis: Who hacked Macron?
It noted that some of the leaked emails also contained data pointing to a Russian firm that was linked to Russia's FSB intelligence service, but it said it was possible that this metadata is a false flag planted in order to implicate Russian-speaking ...

 Russian Intelligence services - Google News
Hourly News Summary: NPR News: 05-12-2017 12PM ET

NPR News: 05-12-2017 12PM ET

Download audio:

 Hourly News Summary World News: Trump Calls on Russia and Ukraine to Make Peace

President Donald Trump called on Russia and Ukraine to make peace Thursday, presenting himself as something of a neutral peacemaker between the two nations, a day after meeting foreign ministers from both countries in Washington. World News
Day in Photos - Voice of America: May 11, 2017

A look at the best news photos from around the world.

 Day in Photos - Voice of America World News: Christians, in an Epochal Shift, Are Leaving the Middle East

With violence and discrimination on the rise, church members are seeking new lives in large numbers, much like the Jews before them. Their departure is leaving behind an ominous void. World News
james b. comey - Google News: Dick Durbin: Rod Rosenstein was 'duped' into writing reason for James Comey's firing - Washington Times

Washington Times

Dick Durbin: Rod Rosenstein was 'duped' into writing reason for James Comey's firing
Washington Times
Dick Durbin said Friday the deputy attorney general was “duped” into writing the recommendation to fire former FBI Director James BComey. “I do trust [Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein],” Mr. Durbin, Illinois Democrat, said on MSNBC. “I believe ...

and more »

 james b. comey - Google News
fbi - Google News: FBI Gives Hollywood Hacking Victims Surprising Advice: "Pay the Ransom" - Hollywood Reporter

Hollywood Reporter

FBI Gives Hollywood Hacking Victims Surprising Advice: "Pay the Ransom"
Hollywood Reporter
The frequency of the attacks has overwhelmed the FBI's Los Angeles field office, which has been unable to properly investigate all of them. The FBI's surprising advice, according to industry sources: Pay the ransom. After all, the hackers aren't asking ...

 fbi - Google News
Federal Bureau of Investigation: Trump Warns Comey and Says He May Cancel Press Briefings

James Comey better hope that there are no tapes of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter. President Trump warned James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director he fired this week, if Mr. Comey leaked anything negative about the president.

 Federal Bureau of Investigation
1. World from mikenova (18 sites): World: UK health service: Hospitals hit by ransomware attack; no evidence patient data has been accessed

UK health service: Hospitals hit by ransomware attack; no evidence patient data has been accessed.


 1. World from mikenova (18 sites)
1. World from mikenova (18 sites): BBC News - World: Ransomware attacks reported in Europe

A series of ransomware attacks have been reported at organisations in a number of European countries.

 BBC News - World

 1. World from mikenova (18 sites)
1. Russia from mikenova (98 sites): NYT > Europe: Cyberattack Against U.K.s National Health Service Is Reported

A National Health Service sign outside a hospital in central London. A spokesman for the service said that 16 organizations, including hospitals and other kinds of clinician services, had been hit by a cyberattack on Friday.

 NYT > Europe

 1. Russia from mikenova (98 sites)
1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites): Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices: Democrats Ask DAG Rosenstein for Details on Sessions' Involvement in Comey Firing

Ranking Member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Elijah Cummings and Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers have sent a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein requesting a report on the role of Attorney General Jeff Sessions' role in the firing of former FBI Director James Comey, citing Sessions' commitment to recuse himself from investigations into "any existing or future investigations of any matters related in any way to the campaigns for President of the United States." The letter is available here and below.
Yesterday, Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee requested that the Department of Justice Inspector General begin an investigation into the circumstances surrounding Comey's firing. That letter is available here and below as well. Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Jason Chaffetz previously requested that the Inspector General expand the existing investigation into Comey's handling of the Clinton email investigation into Comey's dismissal.

2017 05 12 EEC Conyers to Rosenstein DOJ Re AG Sessions Recusal (PDF)

2017 05 12 EEC Conyers to Rosenstein DOJ Re AG Sessions Recusal (Text)

PJL DOJ Comey Firing Investigation 051117 (1) (PDF)

PJL DOJ Comey Firing Investigation 051117 (1) (Text)

 Lawfare - Hard National Security Choices

 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites)
1. Opinions from mikenova (36 sites): Opinions: Trump couldnt care less about the Comey mess he created. He cares about only himself.


 1. Opinions from mikenova (36 sites)
1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites): stories: Security: James Clapper says James Comey was 'uneasy' about having dinner with Donald Trump

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said Friday that former FBI Director James B. Comey was "uneasy" about having dinner at the White House back in January.
"Jim and I spoke briefly before the ceremony, and he mentioned he'd been invited to the White House to have dinner with ... stories: Security

 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites)
1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites): National Security: Ahead of Trump's Middle East tour, U.S. sells $2 billion worth of weapons to United Arab Emirates

The UAE, a close U.S. ally, has voiced alarm at what it sees as a rise in Iranian support for militant groups across the region.

 National Security

 1. US Security from mikenova (70 sites)
1. Opinions from mikenova (36 sites): NYT > Opinion: Op-Ed Contributor: The Treasures of Timbuktu

Restoration and cataloging of the manuscripts of Timbuktu. Thousands of historical manuscripts were said to have been saved during the jihadist occupation of 2012.

 NYT > Opinion

 1. Opinions from mikenova (36 sites)
1. World from mikenova (18 sites): News: Families demand DNA tests on Dutch fertility clinic head accused of using his own sperm to father children


 1. World from mikenova (18 sites)
1. Russia from mikenova (98 sites): Russia: Trump Lawyers State He Had No Russian Income or Debt, With Few Exceptions

In a letter to the president, his lawyers say there was no debt owed to Russians, and two major payments from Russian sources over the last 10 years.


 1. Russia from mikenova (98 sites)
DNI Confirms Senior Russian Officials' Involvement in U.S. Election - MeriTalk (blog)

DNI Confirms Senior Russian Officials' Involvement in U.S. Election
MeriTalk (blog)
This aggressiveness was evident in Russia's efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. election, and we assess that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized the 2016 U.S. election-focused data thefts and disclosures, based on the scope and ...

Trump lawyers push back against Russia ties in letter - Washington Post

Washington Post

Trump lawyers push back against Russia ties in letter
Washington Post
WASHINGTON Lawyers for President Donald Trump said Friday that a review of his last 10 years of tax returns did not reflect any income of any type fromRussian sources, but the letter included exceptions related to previously cited income ...
Trump lawyer says tax returns from past 10 years show no 'income of any type from Russian souces,' with few ...CNBC
Michael Flynn issued with subpoena by Senate committee investigating Trump-Russia tiesThe Independent
Trump Lawyers Say Taxes Show Few Russia Ties Over 10
The Economist
all 134 news articles »
What's Behind the Rise of MS-13? - CityLab


What's Behind the Rise of MS-13?
The operation targeted gang members and associates involved in transnational criminal activity, including drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human smuggling, and sex trafficking, murder and racketeering. Of the 1,378 total arrested, 1,098 were ...

Trump lawyer says tax returns from past 10 years show no 'income of any type from Russian souces,' with few ... - CNBC


Shared NewsLinks Review

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks 
NPR News: 05-12-2017 11AM ET
NPR News: 05-12-2017 10AM ET
NPR News: 05-12-2017 9AM ET
Full transcript: Acting FBI director McCabe and others testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee
How much power does a president have to affect an investigation?
Trump threatens to cancel White House briefings because it is not possible for his spokespeople to speak with perfect accuracy
News's YouTube Videos: President Donald Trump: James Comey Is 'A Showboat' (Excerpt) | NBC Nightly News
Voice of America: Comey: President Demanded 'Loyalty' Pledge
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: Kyrgyz President Asks Prosecutors To Drop Lawsuits Against RFE/RL
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty: U.S.-Backed Syrian Forces To Push On Raqqa In Early Summer, Await Weapons
Trump Calls on Russia and Ukraine to Make Peace
NPR News: 05-12-2017 8AM ET
Jeff Sessions paves way for stricter sentencing in criminal cases
NPR News: 05-12-2017 7AM ET
NPR News: 05-12-2017 6AM ET
Under Rod Rosenstein, whats in store for Russia probe? - YouTube
With James Comey Gone, These Three FBI and DOJ Officials Are Running the Russia-Trump Probe
The Latest: Top US senators worried about South China Sea
Will Sending More US Troops to Afghanistan Turn Back Taliban?
International Edition 1305 EDT - May 11, 2017
NPR News: 05-11-2017 2PM ET
NPR News: 05-11-2017 3PM ET
International Edition - Voice of America: International Edition 1305 EDT - May 11, 2017
Hourly News Summary: NPR News: 05-11-2017 2PM ET
President Donald Trump: James Comey Wasn't Doing A Good Job' | NBC News - YouTube