Wednesday, June 26, 2019

News / MN Newsletter // June 26

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June 26, 2019
Saved Stories - None: Trump, Without Offering Evidence, Accuses Mueller of Crime - Voice of America
mikenov on Twitter: Trump Accuses Mueller of Crime - Google Search…
Saved Stories - None: "Abedin has to resign" - Google News: Egypt: The road to 30 June - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
Saved Stories - None: Just departed for the #G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan!��������
Saved Stories - None: Netanyahu: Coordination Between Israel And The US Thwarted 50 ISIS Attacks

Saved Stories - None: Trump, Without Offering Evidence, Accuses Mueller of Crime - Voice of America

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
U.S. President Donald Trump, without offering evidence, on Wednesday directly accused former special counsel Robert Mueller of committing a crime, saying Mueller had illegally "terminated" FBI communications as part of his Russia investigation. 
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mikenov on Twitter: Trump Accuses Mueller of Crime - Google Search…

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
Trump Accuses Mueller of Crime - Google Search… Posted by mikenov on Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 8:14pm mikenov on Twitter
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Saved Stories - None: "Abedin has to resign" - Google News: Egypt: The road to 30 June - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
The death of ousted president Mohamed Morsi on 17 June from a heart attack during his on-going trial for espionage was met with a collective shrug in Egypt. Morsi died in the same month he and the Muslim Brotherhood faced mass protests that led to his removal from office.
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Saved Stories - None: Just departed for the #G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan!��������

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
Just departed for the #G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan!�������� Posted by realDonaldTrump on Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 7:13pm 17366 likes, 3438 retweets
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Saved Stories - None: Netanyahu: Coordination Between Israel And The US Thwarted 50 ISIS Attacks

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
U.S. President Donald J. Trump and the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that Israel thwarted nearly 50 ISIS terror attacks.
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Главные новости - Google Новости: У Пласидо Доминго проблемы с голосом, рассказали в Мариинском театре - РИА НОВОСТИ
"shoigu" - Google News: Russia Says U.S. and Allies Want to Take Over the World As They Threaten to Take Action Against Missiles - Newsweek
golosamerikius's YouTube Videos: Готовят убежище
golosamerikius's YouTube Videos: Эпизоды незабытой войны
"US - Russia relations" - Google News: Can the US-China crisis be stabilized? - Brookings Institution

Главные новости - Google Новости: У Пласидо Доминго проблемы с голосом, рассказали в Мариинском театре - РИА НОВОСТИ

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
"Непосредственно перед спектаклем он принял решение об отмене своего выступления, в связи с резким ухудшением состояния здоровья - частичной потерей голоса. В связи с тем, что это решение было принято буквально перед выходом артистов на сцену, художественный руководитель – директор Мариинского театра Валерий Гергиев посчитал необходимым не формально оповестить зрителей (через официальный сайт театра или вывешивание объявления за несколько минут до начала спектакля), а лично обратиться с извинениями от лица артиста к зрителям, которые пришли на спектакль", - отметили в пресс-службе театра.
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"shoigu" - Google News: Russia Says U.S. and Allies Want to Take Over the World As They Threaten to Take Action Against Missiles - Newsweek

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Russia has warned that the United States and its allies want to exert their influence across the globe as the U.S.-led NATO Western military alliance warned it would explore new ways to tackle a new nuclear-capable missile system developed by Moscow.
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golosamerikius's YouTube Videos: Готовят убежище

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
From: golosamerikius Duration: 02:33 Одну из церквей Калифорнии прихожане превратили в убежище для нелегальных мигрантов, где они планируют укрыть от иммиграционных агентов сотни людей без документов
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golosamerikius's YouTube Videos: Эпизоды незабытой войны

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
From: golosamerikius Duration: 04:07 Как американцы сражались против англичан: историческая реконструкция в резиденции первого американского президента Оригинальное видео:
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"US - Russia relations" - Google News: Can the US-China crisis be stabilized? - Brookings Institution

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
This week President Trump will meet with China’s leader Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit meeting in Japan. The media is focusing on whether the two leaders can restart trade talks or at least call a “trade war” truce.
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