Saturday, July 27, 2019

News / MN Newsletter // July 27

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July 27, 2019
mikenov on Twitter: She was widely viewed as a controversial lightning rod for her push to adopt charter schools and private school vouchers, in addition to her decision to close hundreds of public schools on the island.…
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Exclusive: Ex-Puerto Rico Schools Chief Julia Keleher, Indicted in Corruption Probe, Previously Denied She Was Federal Target | The 74
mikenov on Twitter: Exclusive: Ex-Puerto Rico Schools Chief Julia Keleher, Indicted in Corruption Probe, Previously Denied She Was Federal Target @The74
mikenov on Twitter: Striking defiant tone, Julia Keleher defends her tenure in Puerto Rico…
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Striking defiant tone, Julia Keleher defends her tenure in Puerto Rico

mikenov on Twitter: She was widely viewed as a controversial lightning rod for her push to adopt charter schools and private school vouchers, in addition to her decision to close hundreds of public schools on the island.…

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
She was widely viewed as a controversial lightning rod for her push to adopt charter schools and private school vouchers, in addition to her decision to close hundreds of public schools on the island.
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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Exclusive: Ex-Puerto Rico Schools Chief Julia Keleher, Indicted in Corruption Probe, Previously Denied She Was Federal Target | The 74

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
Updated July 10, 8:50 p.m. Julia Keleher, Puerto Rico’s former education secretary, was arrested Wednesday on charges that she participated in a conspiracy to steer millions of dollars in government contracts to unqualified, politically-connected organizations.
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mikenov on Twitter: Exclusive: Ex-Puerto Rico Schools Chief Julia Keleher, Indicted in Corruption Probe, Previously Denied She Was Federal Target @The74

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
Exclusive: Ex-Puerto Rico Schools Chief Julia Keleher, Indicted in Corruption Probe, Previously Denied She Was Federal Target @The74 Posted by mikenov on Saturday, July 27th, 2019 8:24pm
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mikenov on Twitter: Striking defiant tone, Julia Keleher defends her tenure in Puerto Rico…

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
Striking defiant tone, Julia Keleher defends her tenure in Puerto Rico… Posted by mikenov on Saturday, July 27th, 2019 8:23pm mikenov on Twitter
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Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Striking defiant tone, Julia Keleher defends her tenure in Puerto Rico

News and Times from Michael_Novakhov (15 sites)
Puerto Rico’s recently departed Secretary of Education defended her tumultuous tenure in a defiant speech at an education conference Friday. Keleher said she closed schools because “somebody had to be the responsible adult in the room.” She accumulated enemies by rejecting how the island’s school system used to work, she said.
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Voice of America - English: Immigration Raid: One Family's Gripping Account
"путин" - Google Новости: Путин почтил память подводников погружением на дно Финского залива - SakhaNews
"Russia international behavior" - Google News: MTSU Teams With American University of Kurdistan - Murfreesboro News and Radio - Wgnsradio
RSS: Российские военнослужащие в Приднестровье отметят 27 годовщину ввода миротворческих сил Российской Федерации в регион
Russia Video News from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites): euronewsru's YouTube Videos: Предпоследний этап "Тур де Франс"

Voice of America - English: Immigration Raid: One Family's Gripping Account

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
CHALMETTE, LOUISIANA - It was the morning after Honduran national Marvin Rivera-Martinez was detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials in front of his wife and U.S.-born 7-month-old child.
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"путин" - Google Новости: Путин почтил память подводников погружением на дно Финского залива - SakhaNews

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
ИА SakhaNews. 27 июля Владимир Путин осмотрел на батискафе затонувшую во время Великой Отечественной войны подлодку Щ-308 «Семга»; погружение на спускаемом аппарате продлилось около часа, глубина погружения – 50 метров, сообщает пресс-служба Кремля.
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"Russia international behavior" - Google News: MTSU Teams With American University of Kurdistan - Murfreesboro News and Radio - Wgnsradio

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Dr. Peter Cunningham, left, MTSU vice provost for academic programs, joins American University of Kurdistan Provost Nazar Numan in smiling at the assembled crowd's reaction about the universities new international partnership.
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RSS: Российские военнослужащие в Приднестровье отметят 27 годовщину ввода миротворческих сил Российской Федерации в регион

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 27.07.2019 (23:23)Российские военнослужащие в Приднестровье отметят 27 годовщину ввода миротворческих сил Российской Федерации в регион В рамках торжественных мероприятий состоятся: митинг, возложение цветов к арке «Блаженны миротворцы» и памятнику «Миротворец», выставка вооружения и военной техники, фестиваль «За мирное небо спасибо!» и праздничный концерт.
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Russia Video News from Michael_Novakhov (11 sites): euronewsru's YouTube Videos: Предпоследний этап "Тур де Франс"

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
From: euronewsru Duration: 01:01 Победитель предпоследнего этапа "Тур де Франс" — итальянец Винченцо Нибали. В общем зачёте лидирует колумбиец Эган Берналь. … ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ :
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