Thursday, September 26, 2019

Window on Eurasia -- New Series: Three More Ingush Protest Leaders have Their Time in Detention Extended to December

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September 26, 2019
Window on Eurasia -- New Series: Three More Ingush Protest Leaders have Their Time in Detention Extended to December
"russia and the west" - Google News: John Mearsheimer on Russia: Insights and Recommendations - Russia Matters
RSS: В Оперативной группе российских войск в Приднестровье проведен очередной этап полевого выхода с военнослужащими ремонтной роты
"russia and the west" - Google News: Russia’s Eastern Mediterranean strategy explained - analysis - The Jerusalem Post

Window on Eurasia -- New Series: Three More Ingush Protest Leaders have Their Time in Detention Extended to December

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Paul Goble Staunton, September 22 – Thee more Ingush protest leaders have now had their time in detention extended from the end of September to the end of December, an action that means that a majority of those detained earlier and originally held until now will remain out of circulation until at least the end of 2019.
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"russia and the west" - Google News: John Mearsheimer on Russia: Insights and Recommendations - Russia Matters

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
This compilation of observations and policy ideas related to Russia by John Mearsheimer is part of Russia Matters’ “Competing Views” rubric, where we share prominent American thinkers’ takes on issues pertaining to Russia, U.S.-Russian relations and broader U.S. policies affecting Russia.
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RSS: В Оперативной группе российских войск в Приднестровье проведен очередной этап полевого выхода с военнослужащими ремонтной роты

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Главная Новости В стране Подробнее 26.09.2019 (17:26)В Оперативной группе российских войск в Приднестровье проведен очередной этап полевого выхода с военнослужащими ремонтной роты В Оперативной группе российских войск в Приднестровском регионе Республики Молдова (ОГРВ ПРРМ) проведен очередной этап полевого выхода с военнослужащими ремонтной роты.
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"russia and the west" - Google News: Russia’s Eastern Mediterranean strategy explained - analysis - The Jerusalem Post

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Russia is taking advantage of the power vacuum created by America’s desire to disengage from the Middle East. As president, Barack Obama launched the policy of “pivoting” away from the region, and President Donald Trump is carrying that policy forward.
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