Saturday, October 12, 2019

News: Fruit growers hail reddist British apples in 20 years

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October 12, 2019
News: Fruit growers hail reddist British apples in 20 years
SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Радио Свобода. Слушать онлайн ��
1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 12 октября, 2019
"russian plane crash" - Google News: Russian pilot convicted in Tajikistan dies in Congo plane crash -
"russia ukraine" - Google News: America Exports Its Corruption to Ukraine - The New York Times

News: Fruit growers hail reddist British apples in 20 years

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Apples are the most colourful they’ve been in 20 years after a perfect combination of warm days and cool nights.  The British apple harvest has reaped rosy rewards with this years pick redder than ever, according to experts. 
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SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Радио Свобода. Слушать онлайн ��

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
From: SvobodaRadio Duration: 00:00 Прямой эфир Радио Свобода: точные новости, уникальные комментарии экспертов, яркие интервью с ньюсмейкерами, острые дискуссии, репортажи корреспондентов Русской службы из разных регионов России и мировых столиц.
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1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 12 октября, 2019

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность
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"russian plane crash" - Google News: Russian pilot convicted in Tajikistan dies in Congo plane crash -

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
In 2011, Vladimir Sadovnichy was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison in Tajikistan on charges of smuggling, illegal border crossing, and violation of international transport rules. Russian military pilot Vladimir Sadovnichy, released in 2011 from a Tajik prison, died during the plane crash of An-72 aircraft in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
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"russia ukraine" - Google News: America Exports Its Corruption to Ukraine - The New York Times

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Serhiy Leshchenko, an investigative journalist in Ukraine, has been attacked by Rudolph Giuliani for his role in bringing to light secret payments to the Trump campaign official Paul Manafort.CreditLena Mucha for The New York Times
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