Thursday, July 18, 2019

"Russian elites" - Google News: The age of cynical voters | The Strategist - The Strategist

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July 18, 2019
"Russian elites" - Google News: The age of cynical voters | The Strategist - The Strategist
SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Видеоновости
Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites): Saved Stories - Michael Novakhov on Twitter: Mugger Trump, go back to Germany, you Nazi Pig! (mikenov on Twitter)…
Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites): Saved Stories - Michael Novakhov on Twitter: Judge could throw out criminal case against Flynn's lobbying partner…

"Russian elites" - Google News: The age of cynical voters | The Strategist - The Strategist

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
We all know that politicians are cunning and cynical, but could the same now be said for the electorate? Many of those who voted for US President Donald Trump did so knowing that he is a habitual liar with suspicious ties to Russia, just as the rank and file of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom know that Boris Johnson has lied and cheated his way to the top.
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SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos: Видеоновости

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
From: SvobodaRadio Duration: 00:00 Выпуск видеоновостей Радио Свобода и телеканала Настоящее Время SvobodaRadio's YouTube Videos
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Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites): Saved Stories - Michael Novakhov on Twitter: Mugger Trump, go back to Germany, you Nazi Pig! (mikenov on Twitter)…

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Mugger Trump, go back to Germany, you Nazi Pig! (mikenov on Twitter)… Posted by
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Michael Novakhov on Twitter from Michael_Novakhov (4 sites): Saved Stories - Michael Novakhov on Twitter: Judge could throw out criminal case against Flynn's lobbying partner…

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Judge could throw out criminal case against Flynn's lobbying partner… Posted by mikenov on Thursday, July 18th, 2019 10:11pm Saved Stories - Michael Novakhov on Twitter
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