Tuesday, November 12, 2019

"Russia international behavior" - Google News: Turkish president will find sanctuary in Trump's White House - CNN

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November 12, 2019
"Russia international behavior" - Google News: Turkish president will find sanctuary in Trump's White House - CNN
"Russia international behavior" - Google News: Beluga Playing Fetch In Viral Video Confirmed To Be So-Called 'Russian Spy Whale' - HuffPost
Главные новости - Google Новости: В прокуратуре прокомментировали скандал вокруг владельца кота и "Аэрофлота" - РИА Новости
Voice of America - English: Andrea Bocelli: 'Absurd' to Shun Opera Legend Domingo

"Russia international behavior" - Google News: Turkish president will find sanctuary in Trump's White House - CNN

Not only is it the first public session of the impeachment inquiry, but Congress is out to sanction Erdogan, and the press and think tankers are lambasting his policies toward the Kurds. read more

"Russia international behavior" - Google News: Beluga Playing Fetch In Viral Video Confirmed To Be So-Called 'Russian Spy Whale' - HuffPost

A beluga playing with a rugby ball in a viral video earlier this month has been confirmed to be Hvaldimir, a whale spotted near Norway in April and suspected by some of escaping the Russian military. read more

Главные новости - Google Новости: В прокуратуре прокомментировали скандал вокруг владельца кота и "Аэрофлота" - РИА Новости

ВЛАДИВОСТОК, 13 ноя - РИА Новости. Пассажир " Аэрофлота", кота которого не хотели пускать в салон из-за перевеса, может обратиться для проверки соблюдения своих прав в московскую прокуратуру, которая ведет надзор за авиакомпанией, заявили РИА Новости в read more

Voice of America - English: Andrea Bocelli: 'Absurd' to Shun Opera Legend Domingo

Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli is staunchly defending opera legend Placido Domingo, calling it "absurd" that opera houses have canceled the star's performances over sexual harassment allegations before they are fully investigated. read more
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