Saturday, November 16, 2019

"russia" - Google News: Russia seeking to gain ground from lost Soviet influence - Anadolu Agency

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November 16, 2019
"russia" - Google News: Russia seeking to gain ground from lost Soviet influence - Anadolu Agency
"Nato Russia" - Google News: Endless crises in NATO - Tehran Times
"путин" - Google Новости: Путин поздравил Генриха Боровика с 90-летним юбилеем - РИА Новости
1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 16 ноября, 2019

"russia" - Google News: Russia seeking to gain ground from lost Soviet influence - Anadolu Agency

MOSCOW / ANKARA Russia in recent years has been trying to gradually restore its influence in the world arena, after its sway waned following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Some experts suggest that Russia, unhampered by the ideological limits of its predecessor, has an advantage in extending its worldwide influence -- despite the difficulty of fully reinstating the Soviet capabilities -- while others say its foreign policy relies too much on hard power. read more

"Nato Russia" - Google News: Endless crises in NATO - Tehran Times

TEHRAN-NATO is spending turbulent days. The positions of the French President, the American President and the German Chancellor on how to deal with the crises in NATO are inconsistent. read more

"путин" - Google Новости: Путин поздравил Генриха Боровика с 90-летним юбилеем - РИА Новости

МОСКВА, 16 ноя - РИА Новости. Президент России Владимир Путин поздравил с 90-летним юбилеем журналиста-международника Генриха Боровика, отметив, что его работы и сегодня служат эталоном профессионального мастерства, соответствующая read more

1. Podcasts in Russian from Michael_Novakhov (9 sites): Аудионовости - Радио Свобода: Новости - 16 ноября, 2019

Новости Радио Свобода: точность, оперативность, беспристрастность read more
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