Friday, November 22, 2019

News: Colombia protests: President Duque imposes curfew in Bogota to shut down unrest

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November 22, 2019
News: Colombia protests: President Duque imposes curfew in Bogota to shut down unrest
Voice of America - English: Bolton: Twitter ‘Liberated’ His Account from White House
Voice of America - English: Bolivia Prosecutors Probing Morales over Accusations He Encouraged Unrest
Главные новости - Google Новости: Источник: в России хотят создать группировки боевых роботов - РИА Новости
Voice of America - English: Former USAGM Official Sentenced to Three Months for Theft

News: Colombia protests: President Duque imposes curfew in Bogota to shut down unrest

Anger has erupted over Colombia's long-simmering tensions about corruption, inequality and gang violence.  President Duque was elected last year on a platform promising to change key aspects of a landmark 2016 peace accord with Farc, the leftist rebels, that polarised the country and which protesters are demanding he implement more forcefully. read more

Voice of America - English: Bolton: Twitter ‘Liberated’ His Account from White House

SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump’s former national security adviser John Bolton said Friday that Twitter Inc. had returned control of his personal account to him after it had been taken over by the White House. read more

Voice of America - English: Bolivia Prosecutors Probing Morales over Accusations He Encouraged Unrest

Bolivia's attorney general said on Friday that his office has opened a probe into former President Evo Morales for alleged sedition and terrorism, related to accusations from the interim government that he has been stirring unrest since resigning. read more

Главные новости - Google Новости: Источник: в России хотят создать группировки боевых роботов - РИА Новости

"Это шасси позволяет делать массу вещей – это не как раньше была одна беспилотная машина, и за ней пять человек бегают, ее обслуживают – это, наоборот, группировка из пяти роботов, и один только оператор, который заправил их, рутинно включил, и они поехали работать", - подчеркнул он. read more

Voice of America - English: Former USAGM Official Sentenced to Three Months for Theft

A former State Department official and senior employee of the U.S. Agency for Global Media (USAGM) was sentenced Friday to three months in prison for theft of government property. Haroon Ullah, who from October 2017 to April 2019 served as chief strategy officer for the agency that oversees Voice of America, pleaded guilty in June of swindling tens of thousands of dollars by submitting falsified invoices and by billing the government for personal trips to promote his book. read more
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