Saturday, August 12, 2023

Opinions Review at 3 p.m. [Inoreader digest]

Opinions Review at 3 p.m.

created by Michael Novakhov  •  Aug 12 2023

Opinions Review at 3 p.m. EST Daily
Current Opinions:
The News And Times -
Current Selected Articles:
All Current Articles:
Richard Hanania's Racism Is Backed by Silicon Valley Billionaires
Like many supremacist ideologues before him, Richard Hanania benefited from elite sponsorship.
Opinion 5h
As kidfluencers come of age, we need to consider the consequences of viral fame |...
Teen rapper Lil Tay returned to the spotlight after five years with a false death announcement – did...
Comment is free | The Guardian 5h
Is Charles McGonigal's guilty plea a cover-up for the October Surprise 2016? - Google...
FBI #FBI DOJ #DOJ #CharlesMcGonigal #OctoberSurprise2016 #guiltyplea #coverup Is Charles McGonigal's...
The News And Times 5h
LK-99 May Not Be a Room-Temperature Superconductor, but What if It Were?
For a few weeks, we had a taste of what it would be like if people cared about science as much as baseball.
Opinion 7h
William Friedkin's Movie 'The Exorcist' Understands Old-Time Catholicism
Spiritual lessons from "The Exorcist."
Opinion 7h
Why Britain Needs to Build Again
It's become difficult to build anywhere in the U.K.
Opinion 7h
After the Maui Fires, Hawaii Will Reinvent Itself Once Again
Like other island dots in our rising oceans, Hawaii is unusually imperiled and must do something about...
Opinion 7h
Are the Elite Anti-Trumpers the 'Bad Guys'?
Readers react to David Brooks's suggestion that the elite are partly to blame for Trumpism.
Opinion 7h
Where's the Vicuña Outrage?
Three men walk into a courtroom, as August heats up.
Opinion 7h
Roger Stone and His Network Must Face Justice If We Want to Avoid Another January...
by Jennifer Cohn| March 23, 2023Roger Stone and His Network Must Face Justice If We Want to Avoid Another...
The News And Times 8h
Is China's Economy Now Bigger Than America's?
Is China now #1, or does America still lead? Yes.
Opinion 1d

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