Thursday, August 22, 2019

NYT > World > Europe: Denmark’s Leader Didn’t Want a Fight With Trump. She Got One, Anyway.

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August 22, 2019
NYT > World > Europe: Denmark’s Leader Didn’t Want a Fight With Trump. She Got One, Anyway.
NYT > World > Europe: Syrian Is Convicted in Stabbing Death That Set Off Riots in Germany
Настоящее Время: Янкаускаса снова задержали на выходе из спецприемника. Ему грозит четвертый админарест
"Russia international behavior" - Google News: Trump's new Pentagon's chief says the US is testing once-banned missiles to 'deter Chinese bad behavior' - INSIDER
"Russia" - Google News: Russia's Breakeven Oil Price Falls To Decade Low | -

NYT > World > Europe: Denmark’s Leader Didn’t Want a Fight With Trump. She Got One, Anyway.

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
ODENSE, Denmark — “I’m not going to enter a war of words with anybody, including the American president,” Denmark’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, told a Danish television channel on Wednesday.
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NYT > World > Europe: Syrian Is Convicted in Stabbing Death That Set Off Riots in Germany

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
BERLIN — A German court convicted a Syrian asylum seeker of manslaughter on Thursday over a stabbing last year that touched off nationalist and neo-Nazi rioting in the eastern city of Chemnitz and revealed the strength of an anti-immigrant backlash.
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Настоящее Время: Янкаускаса снова задержали на выходе из спецприемника. Ему грозит четвертый админарест

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Незарегистрированного кандидата на выборы в Мосгордуму Константина Янкаускаса снова задержали на выходе из спецприемника. Ему грозит четвертый административный арест подряд. В Москве с середины июля продолжаются протесты, связанные с тем, что Мосгоризбирком не допустил к выборам в Мосгордуму более двух десятков независимых кандидатов, не связанных с партией власти, в том числе Дмитрия Гудкова, Илью Яшина, сотрудников ФБК Любовь Соболь, Ивана Жданова, Константина Янкаускаса и других кандидатов.
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"Russia international behavior" - Google News: Trump's new Pentagon's chief says the US is testing once-banned missiles to 'deter Chinese bad behavior' - INSIDER

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
The US has walked away from the Cold War-era INF Treaty with Russia, and that has given the US newfound flexibility to confront China. New Secretary of Defense Mark Esper told Fox News Wednesday that China is the Pentagon's "number of one priority," one the department is watching "very carefully." Commenting on the first US flight test of a post-INF missile, the secretary said, "We want to make sure that we, as we need to, have the capability to deter Chinese bad behavior by having our own capability to strike at intermediate-ranges." Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.
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"Russia" - Google News: Russia's Breakeven Oil Price Falls To Decade Low | -

1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (116 sites)
Amid internal and external economic uncertainties, Russia keeps a conservative budgeting policy and has its 2019 budget break even at an Urals price of $49.20 a barrel, the lowest breakeven price in over a decade, Alexandra Suslina, a budget specialist at the Economic Expert Group, told Bloomberg on Thursday.
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