Friday, October 25, 2019

"Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Trump Outsmarts Putin With Syria Retreat - BloombergQuint

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October 25, 2019
"Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Trump Outsmarts Putin With Syria Retreat - BloombergQuint
"russia" - Google News: Belgrade's balancing act: Serbia plays both EU and Russia on trade - Euronews
Сайт Президента России: Все материалы: Участникам и гостям XXI Всемирного конгресса русской прессы
News: Clocks go back: why do we use GMT - and do we still need to?

"Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News: Trump Outsmarts Putin With Syria Retreat - BloombergQuint

Trump Outsmarts Putin With Syria Retreat BloombergQuint "Russia influence in Eastern Europe" - Google News more ›

"russia" - Google News: Belgrade's balancing act: Serbia plays both EU and Russia on trade - Euronews

Serbia will today sign a free trade deal with the Russian-lead Eurasian Economic Union. The Union, which is widely viewed as a Russian rival to the EU, counts Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan among its members. more ›

Сайт Президента России: Все материалы: Участникам и гостям XXI Всемирного конгресса русской прессы

Дорогие друзья! Сердечно приветствую вас по случаю открытия XXI Всемирного конгресса русской прессы. Ваши регулярные встречи собирают вместе представителей СМИ, аудиторию которых составляют миллионы соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом. more ›

News: Clocks go back: why do we use GMT - and do we still need to?

The leaves are turning, the temperatures are dropping and the sun is rising slightly later each day. And soon, the clocks will change. However, this seasonal affair may not continue for much longer. more ›
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